Monday, February 27, 2012

My survey!

I created a survey in in order to get some responses that I was interested in. Even though I posted it in many social networks such as tweeter, facebook, tuenti, yahoo answers and the good ereader, I didn't get as much responses as I expected.

I also have to mention that once collected the results, I realised that some of the questions like "what do you like to read most?" weren't relevant for my field of research.

The first chart on the right respond to the question "how old are you?", the one at the bottom right corner responds to "what do you think is more ecologically friendly, ebooks or paper books?". The first one on the left is "what do you like reading most?" and the one at the left bottom corner is "how many books do you read a year?"

The last question of my survey was: Do you prefer to read a paper book or an ebook? 
(this are some of the responses that I got)

-a book because of the feeling, but i prefer the ebook if the book I want to read is to heavy for me to carry it around

-I would prefer using eBooks (ink based ebooks, such as Kindle) for reading because they are more convenient to carry around. They are generally small and light and can store multiple books thus eliminating the need to worry about extra added weight. However, reading paper books seems more natural. :)

-paper book because we can read it everywhere, we can also read with an ipad or something like that but we have to be careful on the device. So I prefer textbook.

-A paper book! I like to feel the weigth of the book in my hands, and also turning the page. An ebook is cold, paper is warmer.

-A paper book, but then again, I have never tried reading from an ebook. I just like to have a hard copy, which I can make notes on, fold pages. If given something digitally I tend to print it off before reading.

-I prefer to read a paper book, it's just easier, you can open & close it freely, a paper book doesn't need charging, nobody's likely to steal a paper book as well


When I talk about the new readers generation I mean all these people that as I said in previous posts read electronically. There are many good reasons to read from a screen. One of them is internet, it is huge the amount of written data that we get from and through internet as a routine.  See for example e-mails, web journals or magazines, electronic books or any kind of written document really. This lately phenomena happens out of the benefits that internet leads us when it comes to getting any kind of data almost whenever and wherever we want it.  Meaning that when a nowadays student needs to get done some course work, will find the brief in the university website.  If you happened to want to read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen when you are waiting for the bus, you can just download it from the internet and start reading it in less than five minutes.
Another of the greatest advantages of this “electronic reading” is the weight and space saving. With this I am referring to that big shelf filled with books that good readers have. This shelf isn’t a problem for settled people. But in the last 15 years the fact of moving around the world has become easier and this is generating a generation of nomads. For this nomads is way more comfortable to carry just one light and little device that can fit all their books in it.